My vanity and makeup collection
So I had never consider doing a makeup collection video for a couple of reasons.
One my collection is very tiny compared to those crazy makeup rooms you see all over YouTube so I thought who would want to watch a tiny one. Second I feelt like there was no need to make a video just to show where I keep my makeup (which is nothing fancy) and what I have
( again who cares?!)
But obviously I changed my mind and finally I decided to do it.
Now why did I change my mind, well I've always been one to keep record of things because I like to have something to look back and compare, like pictures of outfits, different looks, also with my makeup I like to look back and see how my makeup skills have improved.
So I though just for me I'd like to keep record of where my collection is now and be able to look back a few years from now. So here it is WARNING!! It's a long video.
Love, Aicitelt
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